Food Attitude

ccording to the World Health Organization (WHO) breastfeeding up to 6 months should be preserved completely. This way, we can ensure the entire welfare of the child´s health and development.
From 6th month onwards, most babies are prepared, in development terms and growth, to receive other foods.
Food’s variety is a process that is based on the food’s gradual introduction into the baby’s alimentary plan and is based on nourishing and physiological principles in order to respect the gradual growth of the baby’s digestive system.
Parents’ main doubts and fears is to find the ideal nutriments that are suitable for each stage of their baby, making sure these are healthy and safe.The ideal would be to cook everyday nutritious and healthy food with organic products, but it is not always possible. Therefore, the market has products that are prepared and ready to be eaten safely, such as: Baby food In the market we can find a wide variety of baby food suitable for 4, 6 and 12 months, in lactic and non-lactic assortments, and without lactose. The first baby food is given to the baby when they reach 4 months, do not contain gluten and are usually made of rice flour, corn flour and corn starch. They are the perfect baby nutrients to familiarize the baby to new textures and flavours. At this age we can still choose lactic or non-lactic baby food. The lactic baby food is made with adapted milk and, therefore, should be prepared with water to avoid excess protein and eventual renal overload. Non-lactic baby food does not include milk as one of its ingredients and therefore should be prepared with the milk that the baby is having, and breast milk can also be used. From the age of 6 months it is indicated that baby food should introduce gluten into the baby’s nutrients and can be made of wheat, oats, barley, corn, rice and rye. They also exist in lactic and non-lactic forms. Baby food as of 12 months is the most complete feed and are usually used for breakfast or lunch. Lactose-free baby food does not contain milk and is suitable for children with cow’s milk allergies or lactose intolerant. In its composition we usually find rice and carob flour. Pots of fruit, vegetables, cereals and lean meats. These pots are made up of natural and safe food. Vacuum-preserved in glass bottles, without colorants, preservatives or any additives. Most variations are free from gluten, egg and milk, to avoid allergy or food intolerance. They are intended to serve as dessert or to substitute a meal of meat and vegetables, according to several combinations. They are nutritionally balanced and smooth the baby’s adaptation to new flavours and textures. They are practical to use and can be served at room temperature or heated in microwave or in boiling water.